Meaning and origin of the name Nibras

Gender: Female

Nibras is used in



Nibras is an Arabic name that is commonly given to girls. The name Nibras is of Arabic origin and carries a beautiful meaning. In Arabic, Nibras means "light" or "lamp". This name is often seen as a symbol of brightness and illumination, signifying hope and guidance.

In Arabic culture, names hold significant importance and are often chosen for their meanings and positive associations. Nibras is a name that reflects the concept of light, both in a literal and metaphorical sense. It is a name that conveys warmth, enlightenment, and positivity.

Those named Nibras are believed to bring light and joy into the lives of others, much like a radiant lamp in the darkness. The name Nibras embodies qualities of enlightenment, inspiration, and optimism, making it a meaningful and cherished name in Arabic-speaking communities.
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