Meaning and origin of the name Nikifor‎

Gender: Male

Nikifor‎ is used in


Countries where Nikifor‎ has name day

Nikifor‎ is present in the name day calendar in Bulgaria and Nikifor‎'s name day is Mars 13.


Nikifor is a masculine name of Greek origin. The name comes from the Greek words "nike," meaning "victory," and "phoros," meaning "bringer." Therefore, Nikifor carries the beautiful meaning of "bringer of victory." This name has a strong and empowering connotation, symbolizing success and triumph. In Greek culture, names often hold significant meanings and are chosen with care to bestow positive qualities upon the bearer.

The name Nikifor has a rich history and is a unique choice for parents seeking a name with a powerful significance. With its roots in ancient Greek mythology and language, Nikifor is a timeless and classic name that carries a sense of strength and accomplishment. Whether used as a first name or a middle name, Nikifor is sure to make a bold statement and inspire its bearer to strive for success in all endeavors.
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