Meaning and origin of the name Nikodim‎

Gender: Male
Also available in Bulgarian,

Nikodim‎ is used in


Origin and Meaning of the Name Nikodim

The name Nikodim is of Greek origin and is derived from the elements "nikē" meaning "victory" and "dēmos" meaning "people". Therefore, the name Nikodim carries the beautiful meaning of "victory of the people". This name reflects qualities of strength, triumph, and support for the community.

In various cultures and regions, the name Nikodim may be pronounced differently but it retains its significant meaning across different languages. It is a name that conveys a sense of leadership, success, and solidarity. Individuals bearing the name Nikodim are often seen as determined, influential, and compassionate towards others.

If you or someone you know bears the name Nikodim, it is a name to be proud of, symbolizing the ability to overcome challenges and bring people together in unity. Embrace the strength and positivity that comes with the name Nikodim, and let it inspire you to strive for victory in all aspects of life.
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