Meaning and origin of the name Nikùlitsa‎

Gender: Male
Also available in Bulgarian,

Nikùlitsa‎ is used in



Nikùlitsa is a unique name of Greek origin that carries a rich history and a special meaning. In Greek culture, names often have significant meanings and are chosen with care.


The name Nikùlitsa originates from Greece, a country known for its deep-rooted traditions and strong sense of heritage. The name reflects the cultural and linguistic influences of the region.


The name Nikùlitsa is derived from the Greek word "Nikē," which means victory. Therefore, Nikùlitsa signifies victory or triumph, symbolizing strength, success, and overcoming challenges.

Nikùlitsa is a name that embodies positivity and resilience, making it a meaningful choice for individuals who aspire to achieve their goals and conquer obstacles in life.

If you are considering the name Nikùlitsa for your child, it carries a beautiful message of triumph and accomplishment, inspiring them to strive for success and face life's challenges with courage and determination.
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