Usage, description and more for Noé

Gender: Male Female    Origin: French
Also available in French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese,

Noé is used in

CHSwitzerland CACanada USUnited States ARArgentina CLChile ESSpain FRFrance ITItaly BEBelgium NLNetherlands PLPoland BRBrazil PTPortugal

Countries where Noé has name day

Noé has a name day in ESSpain and Noé's next name day is November 10.
Noé has a name day in FRFrance and Noé's next name day is November 10.


The name Noe has its origins in various cultures, including Hebrew, French, and Spanish. In Hebrew, Noe (נֹחַ) is believed to mean "rest" or "comfort." It is also the name of a biblical figure, known as Noah in English, who built the ark to save animals and his family from the great flood. In French and Spanish-speaking countries, Noe is often used as a variation of the name Noah.

In different cultures, the name Noe is associated with qualities such as strength, protection, and resilience. Those named Noe are often seen as determined individuals who can weather any storm. The biblical story of Noah's ark is a symbol of hope and new beginnings, reflecting the name's meaning of "rest" after a period of turmoil.

Overall, Noe is a name with deep historical and cultural significance, evoking themes of survival and renewal. It carries a sense of stability and endurance, making it a popular choice for parents looking for a name with a strong and timeless appeal.