Meaning and origin of the name Noémi

Gender: Female
Also available in Hungarian,

Noémi is used in

Switzerland Australia Canada United States Mexico Hungary Brazil

Countries where Noémi has name day

Noémi is present in the name day calendar in Hungary and Noémi's name day is April 22.


Originating from Hebrew, the name Noemi is a variant of Naomi. It is believed to mean "pleasantness" or "sweetness." In the Bible, Naomi was the mother-in-law of Ruth and a symbol of selflessness and devotion. The name carries a sense of kindness and warmth, making it a popular choice for baby girls around the world.

The name Noemi is often associated with qualities like grace, beauty, and inner strength. It has a timeless appeal and a classic charm that resonates with many parents. Whether for its biblical significance or simply for its melodic sound, Noemi continues to be a beloved name in various cultures.

If you are considering naming your child Noemi, you are choosing a name with a rich history and a positive meaning. Its elegant simplicity and universal appeal make it a wonderful choice for any little girl. Embrace the beauty and sweetness of the name Noemi as you celebrate the arrival of your precious bundle of joy.
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