Meaning and origin of the name Nurah

Gender: Female

Nurah is used in

Saudi Arabia


Origin: Arabic
Meaning: Nurah is an Arabic name meaning "light" or "radiance". It is derived from the Arabic word "nur", which symbolizes the illumination that brings clarity and guidance.

Nurah is a beautiful and meaningful name that carries a sense of enlightenment and positivity. It is often chosen for baby girls with the hope that they will bring light and brightness into the world. The name Nurah has a spiritual and poetic essence, reflecting the idea of inner beauty and illumination.

In Arabic culture, light is often associated with knowledge, wisdom, and spiritual awakening. Therefore, naming a child Nurah can be seen as a wish for them to embody these qualities and shine brightly in all aspects of their life.

Overall, Nurah is a name that exudes warmth, positivity, and a sense of purpose. Its simple yet profound meaning makes it a popular choice for parents looking for a name that conveys a sense of inner radiance and enlightenment.
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