Meaning and origin of the name Nélson

Gender: Male
Also available in French,

Nélson is used in

Switzerland Canada United Kingdom Kenya United States France Brazil Portugal

Countries where Nélson has name day

Nélson is present in the name day calendar in France and Nélson's name day is Februari 3.


Nélson is a masculine given name of Portuguese origin. It is derived from the surname Nelson, which means "son of Neil." The name Neil itself comes from the Gaelic name Niall, meaning "champion" or "cloud."

In Portuguese-speaking countries, Nélson is a popular name that carries a sense of strength and bravery. It has a classic and timeless quality, making it a favored choice for boys. The name has a rich history and cultural significance, reflecting qualities of leadership and determination.

Those named Nélson are often perceived as courageous and ambitious individuals with a strong sense of purpose. They are known for their ability to overcome challenges and lead others with confidence. The name Nélson embodies qualities of resilience and perseverance, making it a fitting choice for those who aspire to make a mark in the world.
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