Meaning and origin of the name Oili

Oili is used in

Estonia Finland

Countries where Oili has name day

Oili is present in the name day calendar in Estonia and Oili's name day is May 13.
Oili is present in the name day calendar in Finland and Oili's name day is July 23.


Oili is a Finnish name, believed to have originated from the Finnish word "oivallus," which means "insight" or "moment of realization."


The name Oili symbolizes wisdom, intuition, and a deep understanding of the world. It reflects a person who is perceptive and insightful, often capable of seeing things from a unique perspective.


In Finland, Oili may not have a designated nameday, as namedays are more commonly associated with traditional names. However, individuals with the name Oili can celebrate their name on any day that feels special to them.

Celebrity Inspiration:

While the name Oili may not be widely recognized in popular culture, its uniqueness and meaningful origin make it a distinctive choice for those seeking a name with depth and significance.
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