Meaning and origin of the name Olegário

Gender: Male

Olegário is used in

Spain Brazil Portugal

Countries where Olegário has name day

Olegário is present in the name day calendar in Spain and Olegário's name day is Mars 6.


The name Olegário is of Portuguese origin and is derived from the Germanic name Olegar, composed of the elements "ola" meaning "ancestral heritage" and "ger" meaning "spear." Therefore, the name Olegário can be interpreted as "heir of the spear." It carries a strong and noble connotation, reflecting bravery and heritage.

In Portuguese culture, the name Olegário is not as common as some other names, which adds a unique and distinctive touch to individuals bearing it. The name's historical roots and meaningful components make it a powerful choice for those who appreciate heritage and valor in a name.

If you are considering the name Olegário for your child, you are choosing a name with a rich linguistic history and a strong, evocative meaning that can inspire traits of courage and connection to one's roots.
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