Meaning and origin of the name Otilia

Also available in Hungarian,

Otilia is used in

Spain Hungary Slovakia

Countries where Otilia has name day

Otilia is present in the name day calendar in Spain and Otilia's name day is August 9.
Otilia is present in the name day calendar in Hungary and Otilia's name day is December 13.
Otilia is present in the name day calendar in Slovakia and Otilia's name day is December 12.


Otilia is a charming and elegant name of Latin origin. The name Otilia is derived from the Roman family name "Otho," which means "wealth" or "fortune."


The name Otilia has ancient roots and has been used in various cultures throughout history. It is a popular name in countries with a Romance language influence, such as Spain, Portugal, and Romania.


The name Otilia carries the beautiful meaning of prosperity and good fortune. It symbolizes abundance and success, making it a wonderful choice for a baby girl.

In some cultures, Otilia is associated with characteristics such as grace, elegance, and strength, reflecting the positive attributes that parents may wish for their child.


Namedays are celebrated in some countries that have a tradition of honoring saints' feast days. While the name Otilia may not have a specific nameday, it is still a special and meaningful name for those who bear it.
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