Usage, description and more for Pamela

Gender: Female    Origin: English
Also available in German, Spanish, French, Polish,

Pamela is used in

CHSwitzerland DEGermany AUAustralia GBUnited Kingdom KEKenya NZNew Zealand USUnited States CLChile PEPeru FRFrance PLPoland

Countries where Pamela has name day

Pamela has a name day in DEGermany and Pamela's next name day is Februari 16 (next year).


Pamela is a name of English origin, derived from the combination of two Greek words: "pan" meaning "all" and "mēros" meaning "part." The name Pamela is often interpreted as "all sweetness" or "all honey," reflecting positive and pleasant qualities.

In literature, the name gained popularity due to Sir Philip Sidney's pastoral romance "Arcadia" (1590), where the character Pamela is portrayed as a paragon of virtue and beauty. The name Pamela later became widely used in the English-speaking world, especially in the 20th century.

People named Pamela are often described as charming, kind-hearted, and optimistic individuals. They tend to have a nurturing and caring nature, making them great friends and companions. Pamela is a timeless name that exudes grace and warmth.

If you know a Pamela, consider yourself lucky to have such a wonderful person in your life. The name Pamela carries a sense of brightness and positivity wherever it goes, making it a beloved choice for many parents seeking a name with a delightful meaning and history.