Usage, description and more for Paraskev
Gender: Male
Also available in
Paraskev is used in
Countries where Paraskev has name day
Paraskev has a name day in
Bulgaria and Paraskev's next name day is July 26.
Origin and Meaning of the Name Paraskev
The name Paraskev is of Greek origin and is commonly used in countries with Greek heritage. In Greek, the name is derived from the word "paraskevi," which means "preparation" or "Friday." This name carries religious significance as it is associated with the day of preparation for the Sabbath in the Christian tradition.
Characteristics and Personality
Individuals with the name Paraskev are often described as organized, methodical, and detail-oriented. They possess a strong work ethic and are known for their ability to plan and prepare for various tasks and challenges.
Famous Bearers
Notable individuals with the name Paraskev include Saint Paraskevi of Rome, a Christian martyr who lived in the 2nd century. She is venerated as a saint in the Eastern Orthodox Church and is celebrated for her faith and devotion.
Celebrity Inspiration
The name Paraskev may also be associated with celebrities or public figures who bear the name or variations of it. Their achievements and contributions may serve as inspiration for individuals with the same name.