Usage, description and more for Patrick

Gender: Male     Origin: IE Ireland
Also available in Arabic, German, French, Norwegian Bokmål,

Patrick is used in

DZAlgeria DKDenmark ATAustria CHSwitzerland DEGermany AUAustralia CACanada GBUnited Kingdom IEIreland KEKenya NZNew Zealand SGSingapore USUnited States FRFrance NONorway

Countries where Patrick has name day

Patrick has a name day in ATAustria and Patrick's next name day is Mars 17.
Patrick has a name day in DEGermany and Patrick's next name day is Mars 17.
Patrick has a name day in FRFrance and Patrick's next name day is Mars 17.
Patrick has a name day in NONorway and Patrick's next name day is Mars 5 (next year).

Origin and Meaning of the Name Patrick

The name Patrick has its origins in Latin, derived from the name "Patricius," meaning "nobleman" or "patrician." It is also associated with Saint Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, known for bringing Christianity to the country in the 5th century.

Popularity and Significance

Patrick is a popular name in many English-speaking countries and is often chosen for its strong and timeless appeal. The name has a rich history and cultural significance, especially in Ireland where Saint Patrick's Day is widely celebrated.

Famous Namesakes

Throughout history, there have been notable figures bearing the name Patrick, including Saint Patrick himself, as well as renowned actors like Patrick Swayze and Patrick Stewart. This name has a versatile and enduring quality that continues to resonate with people across generations.

Celebrating Patrick

Those named Patrick often embody traits of leadership, kindness, and resilience. If you know a Patrick, take the time to appreciate their noble qualities and celebrate their name's rich heritage and meaning.