Meaning and origin of the name Patrício

Gender: Male

Patrício is used in

Spain Mexico Brazil Portugal

Countries where Patrício has name day

Patrício is present in the name day calendar in Spain and Patrício's name day is Mars 17.

Origin and Meaning of the Name Patrício

The name Patrício has its origins in Latin, derived from the word "patricius," which means "nobleman" or "patrician." In ancient Rome, a patrician was a member of the noble families who held high social and political status.

Historical Significance

Throughout history, individuals named Patrício were often associated with nobility, leadership, and prestige. The name carried a sense of honor and distinction, reflecting the bearer's elevated social standing.

Modern Interpretation

In contemporary times, the name Patrício continues to evoke a sense of dignity and refinement. It is a name that conveys strength, sophistication, and a connection to a proud lineage.

Celebrity Namesakes

Notable figures with the name Patrício have included individuals who have excelled in various fields, from politics to the arts. Their accomplishments have further enhanced the name's reputation and legacy.

Overall Impression

In summary, the name Patrício carries a rich history and a profound meaning associated with nobility and prestige. It is a name that exudes strength, honor, and a sense of tradition, making it a timeless choice for those seeking a name with a distinguished heritage.
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