Usage, description and more for Paulin
Origin: French
Also available in
Paulin is used in
Countries where Paulin has name day
Paulin has a name day in
Austria and Paulin's next name day is January 11 (next year).
Paulin has a name day in
Germany and Paulin's next name day is August 31.
Paulin has a name day in
Croatia and Paulin's next name day is June 22.
Paulin has a name day in
Romania and Paulin's next name day is January 23 (next year).
Origin and Meaning of the Name Paulin
The name Paulin has Latin origins and is derived from the name "Paulus," which means "small" or "humble." It is a variant of the name Paul, which has biblical significance as it was the name of one of the apostles of Jesus Christ.
Popularity and Variants
The name Paulin is not as common as its variant Paul, but it retains a classic and timeless appeal. Variants of the name include Paulina for females and Paulino for males.
Namesakes and Famous Bearers
Throughout history, there have been several notable individuals with the name Paulin or its variants. In some cultures, Paulin is also used as a surname.
The nameday for Paulin may vary depending on cultural and religious traditions. In some countries, it is celebrated on the feast day of Saint Paul, who is the patron saint of missionaries.
Overall, the name Paulin carries a sense of humility and strength, making it a meaningful choice for parents seeking a name with historical and spiritual significance.