Meaning and origin of the name Paškal

Gender: Male

Paškal is used in

Bulgaria Croatia

Countries where Paškal has name day

Paškal is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Paškal's name day is May 17.

Origin and Meaning of the Name Paškal

The name Paškal is of Croatian and Slovene origin. It is derived from the Latin name "Paschalis," which means "of Easter" or "related to Easter." The name is associated with the Christian holiday of Easter, which commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Popularity and Usage

The name Paškal is not very common but is still used in Croatia and Slovenia. It carries a strong religious significance due to its connection with Easter, making it a meaningful choice for those with a Christian background.

Characteristics and Traits

Individuals named Paškal are often seen as compassionate, spiritual, and optimistic. They may have a strong sense of faith and a deep connection to their religious beliefs. People with this name are known for their kindness and ability to bring joy to others.

Celebrities and Namesakes

While not widely popular, there have been notable figures with the name Paškal in Croatian and Slovene history. These individuals may have contributed to various fields such as art, literature, or politics, leaving a lasting legacy associated with the name.

Overall, the name Paškal carries a rich history and symbolism related to Easter, making it a unique and meaningful choice for those who appreciate its religious connotations.
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