Meaning and origin of the name Petronila

Petronila is used in


Countries where Petronila has name day

Petronila is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Petronila's name day is May 31.


Petronila is a beautiful and unique name of Spanish origin. The name Petronila is derived from the Latin name "Petronius," which means "rock" or "stone." In Spanish culture, the name Petronila is often associated with strength, stability, and resilience.

In addition to its Spanish roots, Petronila also has historical significance. Petronila was the name of a queen of Aragon in the 12th century. Queen Petronila played a crucial role in the history of the region and is remembered for her wisdom and leadership.

Those named Petronila are believed to possess qualities such as determination, loyalty, and a strong sense of identity. People with the name Petronila are often admired for their resilience and unwavering nature.

Overall, the name Petronila carries a sense of history, strength, and grace. It is a name that resonates with tradition and power, making it a meaningful choice for any individual looking for a name with depth and character.
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