Usage, description and more for Pravoslav
Origin: Slovenian
Also available in
Pravoslav is used in
Countries where Pravoslav has name day
Pravoslav has a name day in
Czechia and Pravoslav's next name day is January 12 (next year).
Pravoslav has a name day in
Slovakia and Pravoslav's next name day is Februari 15 (next year).
Origin and Meaning of the Name Pravoslav
The name Pravoslav is of Slavic origin and is predominantly used in countries with Slavic heritage. It is a unique and meaningful name that carries a sense of tradition and history.
Meaning of the Name:
The name Pravoslav is derived from the Slavic elements "pravo," meaning "right" or "just," and "slava," which translates to "glory" or "fame." Therefore, Pravoslav can be interpreted to mean "righteous glory" or "just fame."
While specific nameday traditions may vary across different Slavic cultures, Pravoslav may have a designated day for celebration and recognition. Namedays are often associated with saints or historical figures, and individuals named Pravoslav may celebrate their nameday on a particular date depending on local customs.
Overall, the name Pravoslav conveys a sense of righteousness and glory, making it a distinctive and culturally significant choice for individuals of Slavic descent.