Meaning and origin of the name Pris

Gender: Female

Pris is used in

Unknown Region

Origin and Meaning of the Name Pris

The name Pris is of Latin origin, derived from the Latin word "priscus" meaning "ancient" or "venerable." It is a name that conveys a sense of wisdom and respect, often associated with qualities of maturity and experience.

In Roman mythology, Pris was the name of a goddess of wisdom and foresight, known for her deep knowledge and understanding of the world. The name has a timeless and classic appeal, making it a popular choice for those seeking a name that carries a sense of tradition and strength.

Pris is a name that is both unique and meaningful, embodying qualities of wisdom, experience, and respect. Its Latin roots give it a sense of history and tradition, making it a name with a deep and enduring significance.
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