Usage, description and more for Priscila
Gender: Female
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Priscila is used in
United States
Countries where Priscila has name day
Priscila has a name day in
Spain and Priscila's next name day is July 8.
Priscila has a name day in
Croatia and Priscila's next name day is July 8.
Priscila has a name day in
Romania and Priscila's next name day is Februari 13 (next year).
Origin: Priscila is a feminine given name of Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish origin. It is derived from the Latin name Priscilla, which means "ancient" or "venerable."
Priscila carries the meaning of being respected or esteemed. It reflects qualities of wisdom, maturity, and dignity. Those named Priscila are often seen as wise and honorable individuals.
Personality: People with the name Priscila are known for their strong sense of responsibility, loyalty, and integrity. They are often reliable and trustworthy individuals who value tradition and stability.
Popularity: Priscila is a name that has a timeless and classic appeal. While not as common as some other names, it has a unique and elegant charm that many parents find appealing.
Overall, the name Priscila conveys a sense of grace, wisdom, and respectability, making it a fitting choice for those who value tradition and honor in a name.