Usage, description and more for Priscilla

Gender: Female    Origin: Latin
Also available in German, Greek, Spanish, Dutch,

Priscilla is used in

CHSwitzerland GRGreece AUAustralia CACanada GBUnited Kingdom KEKenya SGSingapore USUnited States ESSpain IDIndonesia NLNetherlands

Countries where Priscilla has name day

Priscilla has a name day in GRGreece and Priscilla's next name day is Februari 13 (next year).
Priscilla has a name day in ESSpain and Priscilla's next name day is January 18 (next year).

Origin and Meaning of the Name Priscilla

The name Priscilla has Latin origins and is derived from the word "priscus," which means ancient or venerable. It is a feminine name with a rich history and significance.

Historical Significance

In the Bible, Priscilla was a prominent early Christian mentioned in the New Testament. She, along with her husband Aquila, played a vital role in the spread of Christianity.

Characteristics and Personality

Individuals named Priscilla are often described as intelligent, resourceful, and compassionate. They are known for their strong leadership qualities and ability to connect with others on a deep level.

Celebrity Connections

Notable figures with the name Priscilla include Priscilla Presley, an actress and businesswoman known for her role in the entertainment industry and her contributions to charitable causes.

Famous Namesakes

Throughout history, there have been several notable Priscillas who have made significant contributions to various fields, including literature, arts, and sciences.

Overall, the name Priscilla carries a sense of wisdom and respectability, making it a timeless and elegant choice for individuals looking for a name with historical significance and a touch of sophistication.