Usage, description and more for Probo

Gender: Male     Origin: CI Côte d’Ivoire
Also available in Catalan,

Probo is used in


Origin and Meaning of the Name Probo

The name Probo is of Latin origin. It is a masculine name that carries a rich history and deep significance.


In Latin, Probo means "upright" or "honorable." The name is associated with qualities such as integrity, honesty, and moral uprightness.


While not as common as some other names, Probo has a unique charm and a timeless appeal. Its rarity adds to its allure and makes it stand out.


Individuals named Probo are often seen as principled and trustworthy. They are known for their strong sense of ethics and their ability to make sound judgments.

Celebrity Namesakes

Though not a widely used name in modern times, Probo may be found in historical texts and literature, adding to its cultural significance.

Famous Individuals

While there may not be many famous figures with the name Probo in recent history, those who bear this name are sure to leave a lasting impression with their noble character.

Overall, Probo is a name steeped in tradition and virtue, making it a meaningful choice for parents seeking a name that reflects values of integrity and honor.