Meaning and origin of the name Prãnė

Gender: Female
Also available in Lithuanian,

Prãnė is used in


Origin and Meaning of the Name Prãnė

The name Prãnė is of Lithuanian origin and is a variant of the name Pranas, which is a diminutive form of Pranas. In Lithuanian, Prãnė is predominantly a female name.


The name Prãnė is believed to have different meanings. It is thought to be derived from the Lithuanian word "prana" or "pranas," which means "spirit" or "life force." Therefore, the name Prãnė can be interpreted as "vitality" or "energy."

In Lithuanian culture, names often carry significant meanings and are chosen with care. Prãnė may symbolize strength, resilience, and a vibrant spirit. It is a unique and beautiful name that reflects positive qualities.

If you are considering the name Prãnė for your child, you are selecting a name rooted in Lithuanian heritage with a deep connection to life force and vitality.
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