Meaning and origin of the name Pärn

Pärn is used in


Countries where Pärn has name day

Pärn is present in the name day calendar in Estonia and Pärn's name day is August 20.

The name Pärn

The name Pärn is of Estonian origin. In Estonian, the word "pärn" means "lime tree," which is a type of tree known for its fragrant and heart-shaped leaves. The name Pärn is unique and has a connection to nature.

Meaning of the name Pärn

The name Pärn is often associated with characteristics such as beauty, strength, and resilience, much like the lime tree itself. Those named Pärn may be seen as grounded individuals with a deep connection to the natural world.


In Estonia, namedays are celebrated based on the calendar of saints, and the name Pärn may have a designated day for celebration. Namedays are a special occasion in many cultures and are a way to honor individuals with specific names.

Overall, the name Pärn carries a sense of uniqueness and nature's beauty, making it a distinctive choice for those who appreciate the natural world and its symbolism.
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