Meaning and origin of the name Pétronille

Gender: Female
Also available in French, Norwegian Bokmål,

Pétronille is used in

France Norway Belgium

Countries where Pétronille has name day

Pétronille is present in the name day calendar in France and Pétronille's name day is May 31.


Origin: Pétronille is a French name with Latin roots.


The name Pétronille is derived from the Latin name "Petronilla," which is a diminutive form of the name "Petronia." The name is associated with the Latin word "petro," meaning "rock" or "stone." As such, Pétronille carries the meaning of strength, stability, and resilience.

In French culture, Pétronille is a rare and elegant name that exudes charm and sophistication. It is often chosen for its historical and literary connotations, adding a touch of classical beauty to the person who bears it.

In some regions, Pétronille may have a designated nameday, typically celebrated in honor of Saint Pétronille. This saint was an early Christian martyr and is revered for her unwavering faith and courage.

If you are considering the name Pétronille for your child, you are choosing a name with a rich heritage and a timeless appeal. It carries a sense of tradition and strength, making it a unique and meaningful choice for your little one.
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