Usage, description and more for Raimund
Gender: Male
Also available in
Raimund is used in
Countries where Raimund has name day
Raimund has a name day in
Austria and Raimund's next name day is August 31.
Raimund has a name day in
Germany and Raimund's next name day is July 3.
Raimund has a name day in
Estonia and Raimund's next name day is September 14.
Raimund has a name day in
Croatia and Raimund's next name day is January 1 (next year).
Raimund is a masculine name of German origin. It is derived from the Old High German name "Raginmund," composed of the elements "ragin" meaning "counsel" or "advice" and "mund" meaning "protector" or "hand." Therefore, the name Raimund carries the combined meaning of "wise protector."
In some countries, Raimund is celebrated on a nameday, typically associated with a saint or historical figure. The name has variations in different languages, such as Raymond in English, Raimondo in Italian, and Raimundo in Spanish. Despite variations, the essence of the name remains consistent across cultures, symbolizing wisdom and protection.
If you have a Raimund in your life, you can appreciate their qualities of offering sound advice and being a reliable support system. The name Raimund carries a sense of strength and guidance, reflecting the traits of a trustworthy and wise individual. Whether as a historical homage or a modern choice, Raimund continues to be a name with a timeless appeal and meaningful significance.