Meaning and origin of the name Raimònda

Gender: Female
Also available in Lithuanian, Latvian,

Raimònda is used in

Lithuania Latvia

Countries where Raimònda has name day

Raimònda is present in the name day calendar in Latvia and Raimònda's name day is April 27.


Raimònda is a unique and beautiful name of Italian origin. This name is a variant of the more common name Ramona. The name Raimònda has a rich history and a lovely meaning that can inspire those who bear it.


The name Raimònda originates from Italy, where it has been used for generations. It is a name with a distinct Italian flair that sets it apart from more traditional names.


The name Raimònda is thought to mean "wise protector" or "mighty protector." It carries a sense of strength and wisdom, making it a fitting choice for someone who embodies these qualities.

With its Italian roots and powerful meaning, Raimònda is a name that holds both beauty and significance for those who are named after it.
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