Meaning and origin of the name Ramon

Gender: Male

Ramon is used in

Austria Switzerland Canada United States Brazil Portugal

Countries where Ramon has name day

Ramon is present in the name day calendar in Austria and Ramon's name day is July 3.

Origin and Meaning of the Name Ramón

The name Ramón has its origins in Spanish and derives from the Germanic name Raginmund, which combines the elements ragin, meaning "advice" or "counsel," and mund, meaning "protector" or "hand." This name was brought to the Iberian Peninsula by the Visigoths and later adopted by the Spanish.

Meaning and Characteristics

Ramón is a name associated with strength, wisdom, and protection. Individuals named Ramón are often seen as reliable and trustworthy, embodying qualities of leadership and guidance. The name conveys a sense of authority and responsibility.

Popularity and Variants

The name Ramón remains a popular choice in Spanish-speaking countries and among Spanish-speaking communities worldwide. Variants of the name include Raymond in English, Raimundo in Portuguese, and Raymondo in Italian.

Famous Bearers

Notable individuals with the name Ramón include Spanish artist Ramón Casas, Dominican baseball player Ramón Laureano, and Mexican actor Ramón Valdés, known for his role as Don Ramón in the television series "El Chavo del Ocho."

Overall, the name Ramón carries a sense of authority, wisdom, and protection, making it a meaningful choice for parents seeking a name with strong and positive connotations.
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