Meaning and origin of the name Ramóna

Gender: Female
Also available in Bulgarian, German, Hungarian, Latvian,

Ramóna is used in

Bulgaria Austria Switzerland Canada United Kingdom United States Hungary Italy Latvia Brazil

Countries where Ramóna has name day

Ramóna is present in the name day calendar in Austria and Ramóna's name day is July 3.
Ramóna is present in the name day calendar in Hungary and Ramóna's name day is January 7.
Ramóna is present in the name day calendar in Latvia and Ramóna's name day is July 20.

Origin and Meaning of the Name Ramóna

The name Ramóna is of Spanish origin, derived from the masculine name Ramón. It is the feminine form of Ramón and carries the same meaning, "wise protector" or "counselor." The name Ramón has roots in Germanic and Spanish languages.

Personality Traits of Ramóna

Individuals named Ramóna are often known for their wisdom, strong sense of protection towards their loved ones, and their ability to provide sound advice to others. They are seen as reliable and trustworthy individuals who excel in leadership roles.

Famous People with the Name Ramóna

Notable individuals with the name Ramóna have made significant contributions in various fields, showcasing their intelligence and protective nature.

Celebrity Inspiration

The name Ramóna might bring to mind strong, influential figures who embody the qualities of wisdom and protection.

Overall Impression

Ramóna is a beautiful and meaningful name that reflects qualities of wisdom and protection. It is a name that resonates with strength and reliability, making it a great choice for individuals looking for a name with a powerful presence.
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