Meaning and origin of the name Rani

Gender: Male Female
Also available in Estonian,

Rani is used in

Algeria India Estonia

Countries where Rani has name day

Rani is present in the name day calendar in Estonia and Rani's name day is January 23.

Origin and Meaning of the Name Rani

The name Rani is of Hebrew and Sanskrit origin. In Hebrew, Rani means "my joy" or "my song," while in Sanskrit, it means "queen" or "lady." The name conjures feelings of happiness, beauty, and royalty.

Hebrew Origin

In Hebrew tradition, Rani symbolizes a source of joy and delight. It reflects a sense of jubilation and celebration, bringing positivity and cheer to those around.

Sanskrit Origin

In Sanskrit, Rani denotes a queenly figure or a woman of regal stature. It signifies grace, elegance, and strength, embodying the qualities of a royal leader.

Whether interpreted as "joyful" or "queenly," the name Rani carries a sense of warmth and power, making it a meaningful choice for a name that resonates with both beauty and strength.
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