Usage, description and more for Raquel

Gender: Female    Origin: ES Spain
Also available in German, Spanish, Portuguese,

Raquel is used in

CHSwitzerland CACanada USUnited States ARArgentina ESSpain MXMexico PEPeru BRBrazil

Countries where Raquel has name day

Raquel has a name day in ESSpain and Raquel's next name day is May 2.

Origin and Meaning of the Name Raquel

The name Raquel has Hebrew origins and is derived from the name Rachel. In Hebrew, Raquel (רָחֵל) means "ewe" or "lamb." The name has a strong biblical significance as Rachel was a key figure in the Old Testament, known for her beauty and her role as the beloved wife of Jacob.

Popularity and Variants

Raquel is a popular name in Spanish-speaking countries and is also used in English and Portuguese-speaking regions. Variants of the name include Rachel, Rachael, and Rahel.

Famous Namesakes

Several notable individuals bear the name Raquel, including the famous Mexican actress Raquel Welch, known for her roles in Hollywood films during the 1960s and 1970s. Another well-known namesake is Raquel Zimmermann, a Brazilian supermodel who has graced the covers of top fashion magazines.

Personality Traits

Those named Raquel are often described as intelligent, compassionate, and independent individuals. They possess a natural charm and are known for their strong sense of loyalty towards their loved ones.

Overall, the name Raquel carries a sense of grace and elegance, making it a timeless choice for parents seeking a name with biblical roots and a touch of sophistication.