Usage, description and more for Reinhard

Gender: Male     Origin: DE Germany
Also available in German, Estonian, Norwegian Bokmål,

Reinhard is used in

ATAustria CHSwitzerland DEGermany EEEstonia NONorway

Countries where Reinhard has name day

Reinhard has a name day in ATAustria and Reinhard's next name day is December 5.
Reinhard has a name day in DEGermany and Reinhard's next name day is August 4.
Reinhard has a name day in EEEstonia and Reinhard's next name day is October 1.
Reinhard has a name day in NONorway and Reinhard's next name day is January 12 (next year).

Origin and Meaning of the Name Reinhard

The name Reinhard has Germanic origins and is composed of two elements: "ragin" meaning "counsel" or "decision" and "hard" meaning "brave" or "strong." Therefore, Reinhard can be interpreted to mean "brave counsel" or "strong decision."

Characteristics of Reinhard

Those named Reinhard are often described as decisive, courageous, and dependable individuals. They possess strong leadership qualities and are known for their ability to make tough decisions with confidence.

Popularity and Variations

The name Reinhard has been used in various German-speaking regions and has had a steady but moderate popularity over the years. Some variations of the name include Reinhardt and Reinhart.

Famous Reinhards

Several notable individuals bear the name Reinhard, including Reinhard Heydrich, a high-ranking Nazi official, and Reinhard von Lohengramm, a fictional character in the anime series "Legend of the Galactic Heroes."


The nameday for Reinhard is not widely celebrated, but some regions may have specific dates dedicated to individuals with this name.

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