Usage, description and more for Reinold

    Origin: DE Germany
Also available in German,

Reinold is used in


Countries where Reinold has name day

Reinold has a name day in DEGermany and Reinold's next name day is January 7 (next year).

Origin and Meaning of the Name Reinold

The name Reinold is of German origin and is derived from the Old High German name "Reginwald", which is composed of the elements "regin" meaning "advice" or "decision" and "wald" meaning "ruler" or "power". Hence, the name Reinold can be interpreted as "ruler with wise counsel" or "powerful advisor".


The nameday for Reinold may vary depending on the cultural or religious traditions. In some regions, the name may not have a specific designated nameday, while in others it could be celebrated on specific dates throughout the year.


The name Reinold may not be as common as some other names, giving it a unique and distinguished quality. Its historical roots and noble meaning make it a timeless choice for those seeking a name with depth and significance.

Famous Bearers

Throughout history, individuals named Reinold have made their mark in various fields, showcasing the strength and wisdom associated with the name. Whether in literature, arts, science, or leadership, those named Reinold have left a legacy worth remembering.

Overall, the name Reinold carries a sense of authority, intelligence, and guidance, making it a meaningful choice for parents looking for a name with a rich history and profound significance.