Usage, description and more for Renatus

Gender: Male     Origin: Latin
Also available in German,

Renatus is used in


Origin and Meaning of the Name Renatus

The name Renatus is of Latin origin, derived from the Latin word "renatus" which means "born again" or "reborn". It carries the connotation of a fresh start, renewal, and transformation.

Popularity and Usage

Renatus is a rare and unique name, not commonly used in modern times. It has a classic and timeless appeal, evoking a sense of new beginnings and second chances.

Famous Namesakes

While not widely known, there have been individuals throughout history who have borne the name Renatus, embodying the qualities of resilience and reinvention associated with the name.

Celestial Associations

In the realm of celestial bodies, the name Renatus could symbolize a comet or a meteor shower - a dazzling display of light and energy that heralds a new chapter or phase in one's life.

Overall Impression

Renatus is a name that exudes strength, optimism, and the belief in the power of new beginnings. It is a name that resonates with those who embrace change and transformation in their lives.