Meaning and origin of the name Renátó

Gender: Male
Also available in Hungarian,

Renátó is used in

Switzerland Croatia Hungary Italy Brazil Portugal

Countries where Renátó has name day

Renátó is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Renátó's name day is November 12.
Renátó is present in the name day calendar in Hungary and Renátó's name day is November 12.
Renátó is present in the name day calendar in Italy and Renátó's name day is November 12.

The Name Renátó

Origin: Renátó is a name of Hungarian origin.


The name Renátó is a variation of the Latin name "Renatus," which means "born again" or "reborn." It carries connotations of renewal, regeneration, and a fresh start. Renátó is a name that symbolizes a new beginning and a promising future.

Renátó is a unique and meaningful name that can inspire those who bear it to embrace change and growth. Its rich history and positive associations make it a name that stands out and resonates with many individuals.
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