Meaning and origin of the name Riko

Gender: Female

Riko is used in

Germany Estonia Japan

Countries where Riko has name day

Riko is present in the name day calendar in Germany and Riko's name day is April 3.
Riko is present in the name day calendar in Estonia and Riko's name day is Februari 7.


Riko is a unisex name with Japanese origins. In Japanese, the name Riko (莉子) is composed of the characters "ri" which means "jasmine" and "ko" which means "child." Therefore, the name Riko can be interpreted as "child of jasmine" or "jasmine child." The name Riko exudes elegance and beauty, drawing inspiration from the fragrant and delicate jasmine flower.

In addition to its Japanese roots, Riko is also used as a short form of the Spanish name Enrico, derived from the German name Heinrich, meaning "ruler of the household." This adds a touch of strength and authority to the name Riko, giving it a versatile and multifaceted appeal.

Whether chosen for its Japanese floral associations or its European noble origins, the name Riko carries a sense of grace and sophistication that is sure to make it stand out.
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