Meaning and origin of the name Rina

Gender: Female

Rina is used in

Indonesia Japan


Rina is a lovely name of Japanese origin that carries a beautiful meaning. The name Rina can be translated to "jasmine" in Japanese, symbolizing grace, elegance, and purity. Jasmine flowers are known for their sweet fragrance and delicate appearance, making the name Rina a charming choice for a baby girl. In Japanese culture, the jasmine flower is also associated with love, beauty, and good luck, adding a special significance to the name.

The name Rina has a melodic sound and a timeless appeal, making it popular not only in Japan but also in various other cultures around the world. Whether you have Japanese heritage or simply appreciate the beauty of the name, Rina is a wonderful choice that carries a sense of elegance and sophistication. Embrace the essence of the jasmine flower with the name Rina, and let its beauty bloom in your heart and life.
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