Meaning and origin of the name Romeo

Gender: Male
Also available in French, Hungarian, Italian, Polish,

Romeo is used in

Switzerland Canada United States France Hungary Italy Poland

Countries where Romeo has name day

Romeo is present in the name day calendar in France and Romeo's name day is Februari 25.
Romeo is present in the name day calendar in Hungary and Romeo's name day is Februari 7.


Origin: French
Meaning: Roméo is a French name that is derived from the Latin name "Romaeus" which means "pilgrim to Rome" or "from Rome". It is also associated with the famous character from William Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet". The name has a romantic and poetic connotation.

Roméo is a name with a rich history and cultural significance. It symbolizes love, passion, and tragedy, making it a popular choice for parents looking for a name with a touch of romance. The name Roméo has a timeless appeal and a sense of elegance that sets it apart.

If you choose the name Roméo for your child, you are giving them a name that is both meaningful and beautiful. It carries with it the charm of classic literature and the allure of a romantic hero. Roméo is a name that resonates with emotion and captures the essence of love and devotion.
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