Usage, description and more for Romuald

Gender: Male     Origin: Polish
Also available in German, French, Polish,

Romuald is used in

ATAustria DEGermany FRFrance HRCroatia PLPoland

Countries where Romuald has name day

Romuald has a name day in ATAustria and Romuald's next name day is June 19.
Romuald has a name day in FRFrance and Romuald's next name day is June 19.
Romuald has a name day in HRCroatia and Romuald's next name day is June 19.
Romuald has a name day in PLPoland and Romuald's next name day is Februari 7 (next year).


Romuald is a masculine name with origins in Germanic languages. The name is believed to have derived from the elements "hruod," meaning "fame," and "wald," meaning "rule." Therefore, the name Romuald can be interpreted to mean "famous ruler" or "glorious leader."

In terms of popularity, Romuald is not a common name and may be considered more unique or rare. Its historical roots can be traced back to medieval times, and it carries a sense of strength and authority. Despite not being widely used in modern times, Romuald retains a sense of tradition and heritage.

Those named Romuald may find pride in their name's noble connotations and the legacy it carries. The name exudes a sense of power and respect, reflecting the qualities of a distinguished leader. While not as prevalent as some other names, Romuald stands out for its historical significance and distinctive sound.

In some cultures, Romuald may have a designated day for celebration, known as a nameday. This tradition varies depending on the country and customs followed. Regardless, individuals with the name Romuald can cherish their unique and meaningful name, embodying the essence of a respected and renowned figure.