Meaning and origin of the name Romuálda

Gender: Female
Also available in Lithuanian, Latvian, Polish,

Romuálda is used in

Lithuania Latvia Poland

Countries where Romuálda has name day

Romuálda is present in the name day calendar in Latvia and Romuálda's name day is August 4.

Origin and Meaning of the Name Romuálda

The name Romuálda is of Germanic origin and has a rich history. It is derived from the elements "hrom," meaning "fame," and "wald," meaning "rule." Therefore, the name Romuálda can be interpreted to mean "famous ruler" or "glorious leader."

In terms of personality traits associated with the name Romuálda, individuals bearing this name are often described as confident, charismatic, and natural leaders. They have a strong sense of authority and are not afraid to take charge in various situations.

Those named Romuálda are known for their ambition and determination to achieve their goals. They are hardworking individuals who strive for success in all aspects of their lives. Their charismatic nature enables them to easily inspire and influence others around them.

Overall, the name Romuálda carries a sense of power, prestige, and leadership. It is a name that signifies strength and success, making it a fitting choice for individuals who aspire to make a significant impact in the world around them.
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