Meaning and origin of the name Ronan

Gender: Male
Also available in German, French,

Ronan is used in

Austria Australia Canada Ireland United States France

Countries where Ronan has name day

Ronan is present in the name day calendar in Austria and Ronan's name day is January 11.
Ronan is present in the name day calendar in Austria and Ronan's name day is June 1.
Ronan is present in the name day calendar in France and Ronan's name day is June 1.


Ronan is a masculine name of Irish origin. The name Ronan is derived from the Irish name "Rónán", which means "little seal" in Gaelic. This name is often associated with qualities such as strength, wisdom, and adaptability.

The name Ronan has gained popularity in various English-speaking countries and beyond. It is a name that exudes charm and uniqueness, making it a favorable choice for parents looking for a name with a rich cultural background.

In Irish folklore, seals are believed to possess mystical qualities and are often seen as creatures of great significance. This symbolism adds a layer of depth to the name Ronan, giving it a mystical and enchanting aura.

People named Ronan are often described as intelligent, creative, and compassionate individuals. They are known for their strong sense of loyalty and their ability to overcome challenges with grace and determination.

Whether you have Irish roots or simply appreciate the beauty of Irish names, Ronan is a name that carries a sense of heritage and tradition while remaining fresh and modern. Consider choosing the name Ronan for your child if you are looking for a name that is both meaningful and timeless.
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