Meaning and origin of the name Roza

Gender: Female
Also available in Polish,

Roza is used in

Algeria Croatia Poland

Countries where Roza has name day

Roza is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Roza's name day is June 11.
Roza is present in the name day calendar in Poland and Roza's name day is Mars 6.
Roza is present in the name day calendar in Poland and Roza's name day is August 30.
Roza is present in the name day calendar in Poland and Roza's name day is September 4.


Róza is a name of Polish and Hungarian origin. It is derived from the Latin word "rosa," which means "rose." The name Róza is often associated with the beautiful and delicate flower, symbolizing love, beauty, and femininity.

In Polish culture, Róza is a popular name for girls and is often given to those born in the month of June, as the rose is the birth flower for this month. The name carries a sense of elegance and grace, reflecting the qualities of the flower itself.

In Hungarian tradition, Róza is a timeless name that has been used for generations. It conveys a sense of purity and charm, making it a beloved choice for baby girls. The rose has a special significance in Hungarian folklore, representing love and passion.

Overall, the name Róza is a classic and timeless choice with a rich cultural heritage. It embodies the beauty and timeless appeal of the rose flower, making it a meaningful and elegant name for a baby girl.
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