Meaning and origin of the name Rozalia

Also available in Hungarian, Polish,

Rozalia is used in

Hungary Poland Slovakia

Countries where Rozalia has name day

Rozalia is present in the name day calendar in Hungary and Rozalia's name day is September 4.
Rozalia is present in the name day calendar in Poland and Rozalia's name day is Februari 7.
Rozalia is present in the name day calendar in Poland and Rozalia's name day is September 4.
Rozalia is present in the name day calendar in Poland and Rozalia's name day is October 4.
Rozalia is present in the name day calendar in Slovakia and Rozalia's name day is September 4.


Rozalia is a beautiful name of Polish origin, derived from the Latin name Rosalia, which means "rose" or "rose garden". This name exudes elegance and grace, and is often associated with qualities such as beauty, love, and sophistication.


The name Rozalia has its roots in Poland but is also used in other countries with variations in spelling such as Rosalia or Rosalie. It is a popular choice for baby girls worldwide, reflecting its timeless appeal and charm.


The name Rozalia carries the symbolism of the rose flower, which is often associated with love, beauty, and passion. Those named Rozalia are believed to possess characteristics such as grace, femininity, and a nurturing nature.


In some cultures, Rozalia is celebrated on a specific day of the year as a nameday. This tradition varies by region and may involve gatherings, well-wishes, and special gifts to honor individuals with the name Rozalia.
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