Meaning and origin of the name Rènė

Gender: Male Female
Also available in Czech, German, Estonian, French, Lithuanian,

Rènė is used in

Czechia Denmark Austria Switzerland Germany Australia Canada Estonia Finland France Lithuania Belgium Slovakia

Countries where Rènė has name day

Rènė is present in the name day calendar in Czechia and Rènė's name day is November 28.
Rènė is present in the name day calendar in Austria and Rènė's name day is September 2.
Rènė is present in the name day calendar in Germany and Rènė's name day is October 6.
Rènė is present in the name day calendar in Germany and Rènė's name day is November 12.
Rènė is present in the name day calendar in Estonia and Rènė's name day is January 23.
Rènė is present in the name day calendar in France and Rènė's name day is October 19.
Rènė is present in the name day calendar in Slovakia and Rènė's name day is November 6.

Origin and Meaning of the Name René

René is a masculine given name of French origin. It is the French form of the Late Latin name Renatus, which means "reborn" or "born again." The name René has roots in Christian theology, symbolizing spiritual rebirth and renewal.

Popularity and Variants

René is a widely used name in various countries around the world. It has variants in different languages, such as Renato in Italian, Renatus in Latin, and Renatus in German.

Famous Namesakes

Several notable individuals bear the name René, including the famous French philosopher René Descartes and the talented Canadian singer-songwriter René Simard. These individuals have left a lasting impact in their respective fields, adding to the legacy of the name René.

Celebrity Connections

The name René has been embraced by celebrities, with René Zellweger being a prominent example. The name's timeless charm and international appeal have made it a popular choice among parents seeking a classic yet distinctive name for their children.

In conclusion, the name René carries a rich history and a deep significance, making it a meaningful choice for those who appreciate its spiritual connotations and elegant sound.
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