Meaning and origin of the name Rômulo

Gender: Male

Rômulo is used in

Spain Brazil Portugal

Countries where Rômulo has name day

Rômulo is present in the name day calendar in Spain and Rômulo's name day is Februari 17.


Rômulo is a masculine name of Latin origin. It is a variant of the name Romulus, which comes from Roman mythology.


The name Rômulo is derived from the Latin name Romulus, which was the name of the legendary founder and first king of Rome. Romulus and his twin brother Remus were raised by a she-wolf and later founded the city of Rome.


The name Rômulo is often associated with strength, leadership, and ambition. It carries connotations of power and determination, reflecting the legendary figure of Romulus who played a significant role in the founding of one of the greatest civilizations in history.

In modern times, individuals named Rômulo may embody qualities such as courage, resilience, and a strong sense of purpose. The name can be seen as a tribute to the enduring legacy of Rome and its influence on Western culture.
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