Meaning and origin of the name Sabih

Gender: Male

Sabih is used in



Sabih is a name of Arabic origin that is commonly used in the Muslim world. The name Sabih is often given to boys and carries a beautiful meaning. In Arabic, Sabih means "beautiful" or "handsome." It reflects the qualities of charm and attractiveness.

In many cultures, names are believed to have an influence on a person's character and destiny. Those named Sabih are often thought to possess qualities of inner and outer beauty. The name can be seen as a wish for the child to grow up to be attractive in all aspects of life.

The name Sabih is a wonderful choice for parents looking for a name that carries positive connotations and a sense of elegance. It is a name that reflects admiration for beauty and is a popular choice among families in the Arabic-speaking world.

If you are considering the name Sabih for your child, you are choosing a name with a rich cultural heritage and a timeless appeal. Embrace the beauty and charm that the name Sabih embodies, and may it bring joy and positivity to your child's life.
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