Meaning and origin of the name Sade

Gender: Female
Also available in Estonian,

Sade is used in

Nigeria Estonia Finland

Countries where Sade has name day

Sade is present in the name day calendar in Estonia and Sade's name day is Februari 2.
Sade is present in the name day calendar in Finland and Sade's name day is October 18.


Säde is a charming Finnish name that is typically given to girls. In Finnish, the name Säde means "ray of light" or "radiance", reflecting the beauty and brightness associated with the name. The name Säde has a unique and elegant sound, making it a popular choice among Finnish speakers.

The name Säde has its origins in Finland, where it is derived from the Finnish word for "ray" or "beam". This name carries a poetic and mystical quality, evoking images of sunlight streaming through the clouds or the shimmering glow of a candle flame.

In Finland, namedays are an important tradition, and Säde may have a designated day to celebrate her name throughout the year. Namedays are often based on the feast days of saints or historical figures, adding a special significance to the celebration of one's name.

Overall, the name Säde is a beautiful and meaningful choice for parents looking for a name that conveys light, warmth, and positivity. Its Finnish origins give it a unique flair, making it a standout name for any girl.
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