Meaning and origin of the name Salomė́ja

Gender: Female
Also available in Lithuanian,

Salomė́ja is used in

Croatia Lithuania

Countries where Salomė́ja has name day

Salomė́ja is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Salomė́ja's name day is November 19.
Salomė́ja is present in the name day calendar in Lithuania and Salomė́ja's name day is November 18.


Origin: The name Salomeja is of Lithuanian origin.


The name Salomeja is derived from the Hebrew name Shulamit, which means "peaceful" or "peaceful one". It is a name associated with calmness, harmony, and tranquility.


Individuals with the name Salomeja are often perceived as peaceful, kind-hearted, and compassionate. They have a natural ability to bring harmony and balance to their surroundings. Salomeja is known for her gentle and caring nature, making her a great friend and companion.

Famous Namesakes:

One of the notable figures with the name Salomeja is the Lithuanian poet and playwright Salomeja Neris. She is celebrated for her contributions to literature and her advocacy for social justice.

Celebrity Inspiration:

The name Salomeja has an elegant and unique sound, making it a distinctive choice for parents looking for a name with a touch of sophistication and grace. It is a name that carries a sense of peace and beauty, perfect for a child who embodies those qualities.

Overall, the name Salomeja carries a sense of tranquility and warmth, making it a lovely choice for a child who will bring peace and harmony to those around them.
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