Usage, description and more for Samuil

Gender: Male     Origin: BG Bulgaria
Also available in Bulgarian, Russian,

Samuil is used in

BGBulgaria MKNorth Macedonia BYBelarus

Countries where Samuil has name day

Samuil has a name day in BGBulgaria and Samuil's next name day is August 20.

Origin and Meaning of the Name Samuil

The name Samuil has origins in various cultures, including Slavic and Hebrew. In Slavic languages, it is derived from the name "Samuil" (Самуил), which ultimately comes from the Hebrew name "Shmuel," meaning "Name of God" or "His Name is God."

In Slavic history, Samuil is often associated with Tsar Samuil of Bulgaria, who ruled in the 10th century. He was known for his resistance against the Byzantine Empire and his efforts to defend Bulgarian independence.

Those named Samuil are believed to possess qualities such as strength, determination, and leadership. The name carries a sense of power and divine connection, reflecting the rich historical and cultural significance it holds.

If you know someone named Samuil, consider yourself fortunate to be acquainted with an individual whose name embodies such deep-rooted meanings and historical importance.